Friday, December 28, 2007

The Meaning of Christmas: Look Deeper by Peter Kreeft

"...history too symbolizes, or points beyond itself, for God
wrote three books, not just one: nature and history as well
as Scripture. The story of history is composed not only of
“events,” but of words, signs and symbols. This is unfamil-
iar to us only because we have lost a sense of depth and ex-
changed it for a flat, one-dimensional, “bottom-line” mental-
ity in which everything means only one thing."

This is the same Truth found in the Jewish Feasts/Sacrifices fulfilled by Jesus. They, too, have three meanings: Nature, Historical, and Scriptural. Notice also the symbolic meaning which the Gospel of John so amply teached us as well.


I found this great meditation on Catholic Education Resources:

The Meaning of Christmas: Look Deeper

In Christ's peace and joy,


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