Saturday, September 29, 2007

John Chapter 5: Agape Bible Study Link & Handout

Handout Chapter 5
The Historical Hour: The first importance of “the hour” is that it points in this Gospel and the Synoptic Gospels to the climax of Jesus’ earthly ministry, to the appointed time of His Passion and glorification. Before the appointed “hour”, set by the Father, the attempts of Jesus’ enemies to harm Him have all been in vain because “His hour has not yet come” [7:30; 8:20]. The countdown of that hour, the point at which the clock starts ticking, is at the start of Passion week when Jesus rides into Jerusalem on the day the Passover lambs are selected for the sacrifice [Palm Sunday]. In John’s Gospel “the hour” of Christ’s humiliation and death on the cross is “the hour of his exaltation that becomes the source of everlasting life for the world.” [Ignatius study Bible page 26].

The Liturgical Hour: Christ’s “hour” reaches beyond the historical events of His Passion and glorification and into the liturgical commemoration of these events as they are reenacted in the life of His Church. Biblical scholars point to several passages in sacred Scripture that illustrate the connection of His “hour’ with Christian worship:

1. John 2:4, at the wedding at Cana Jesus responds with His mother’s request for additional wine for the wedding feast with the response “My hour has not yet come”, suggesting that when the hour does come He will provide that “best wine” of the wedding feast in abundance. Christian scholars down through the centuries have always seen this statement as a reference to the ordinary wine that becomes the perfect blood of Christ in holy Eucharist when “he pours Himself into the Eucharistic cup under the visible sign of wine.” [St. Ignatius Study Bible –the Gospel of John page 26].

2. John 4:21-23 in the encounter with the Samaritan woman Jesus insists that his coming “hour” is associated with worship that is superior to any previously know worship including the Jews’ worship under the Old Covenant in the Temple in Jerusalem and the Samaritan’s imperfect worship at Mt. Gerizim.

3. John 5:25-29 in our current passage where Jesus announces his “hour” as the time when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of Man and will be resurrected to judgment. In the reading of the Gospel and other Biblical passages in the Liturgy of the Word at Mass we continue to hear the “voice” of the Son of Man speak to us and to awaken our souls.

4. John 12:20-24 in which Christ’s final “hour” will bring in a harvest of souls from every nation on earth because Jesus, like a grain of wheat the dies and is buried in the earth only to rise again to new life, will give that gift of new life to Israel and every nation on earth. It is His Church who continues to sow the seed and reap the harvest of souls: 4:37-38 “I sent you to reap a harvest you have not labored for…” and Matthew 28:19-20 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And look, I am with you always; yes to the end of time.”

The gift to the Father of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross cannot be divided from the sacramental gift of Christ to His Church in divine Liturgy. “This was recognized in the early Church, where the “hour” of Jesus referred not only to his suffering and death, but as in the ancient liturgies of St. James and St. Mark, the expression “this hour” referred to the re-presentation of the Passion in the Eucharistic celebration.” [Ignatius Study Bible page 26].

M. Hunt copyright 2001 of Agape Bible Study


John Chapter 4: Agape Bible Study Link Handout

Handout Chapter 4
The history of the site of Shechem in the Old Testament:

Genesis 12:7
Yahweh appeared to Abram and promised the land to his descendants. Abram built an altar. This is the first of 3 promises to Abram that will become the Abrahamic Covenant.

Genesis 33:18-20
Jacob camped opposite the town upon his return from Paddan-Aram and purchased land from the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem and built an altar. The city is named for this gentile man who loved Dinah, a daughter of Israel.

Genesis 34
The site of a failed covenant, a failed marriage, and a terrible injustice when the gentiles of Shechem, who had submitted to circumcision, were murdered by the sons of Jacob/Israel.

Deuteronomy 27:4,11-12
Site designated by Moses (between Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim) for renewal of Covenant oath.

Joshua 8:30-35
Site of the reaffirmation of the Covenant oath and the blessing of the people as ordered by Moses in Deuteronomy 27

Joshua 24
Joshua called a great assembly of all the tribes of Israel. The reaffirmation of the Covenant before Joshua’s death.

Judges 8:29-9:21
Shechem incited to follow a false king of Israel who betrays them.

1Kings 12:1-25
Great Assembly of the 12 tribes to proclaim Rehoboam, son of Solomon, as King of Israel. The site of the beginning of the end of Israel as a united kingdom. After the civil war the rebel Jeroboam, new King of Israel, makes Shechem his capital.

Hosea 6:7-9
Priests commit murder on the road to Shechem—broken Covenant.

Jeremiah 41:1-10
Murder of the men from Shechem and Samaria by Jews lead by a descendant of David. These men had come in peace to mourn the destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem and to bring offerings.
Where are brides courted in the Bible?

Genesis 24:10-67
Rebecca the future bride of Isaac is found at a well by Abraham’s servant

Genesis 29: 1-30
Jacob (Israel) meets Rachel, his future bride, at a well

Exodus 2: 15-21
Moses meets Zipporah, his bride, at a well
A bride is courted at a well. In John chapter 4 Jesus, the divine bridegroom, has come to court His Covenant Bride, Israel (Samaria) as symbolized by this woman and as promised by the prophets of God [i.e. see Hosea chapter 2].
Contrast between Nicodemus
and the Samaritan Woman

From the land of Judah (tribes of Judah & Benjamin)
From the land of Israel (the land of the 10 tribes)

Citizen of Jerusalem the city of the true faith of the Covenant
Citizen of Shechem, a city connected to the Covenant but also with violence and betrayal, and false worship

Pharisee, educated, elite Jewish male
Mixed breed, idolatrous female

Knows the Law and the Prophets
Knows only the first 5 Books, the Torah

Representative of the Old Covenant people
Representative of a people no longer in Covenant with God.

Cannot recognize the Messiah
Acknowledging her sins, she receives the gift of faith and recognizes the Messiah

M. Hunt copyright 2001 of Agape Bible Study


John Chapter 3: Agape Bible Study Link & Handout

Michal Hunt, the author of the Agape Bible Study has kindly shared her handouts with me to share with you. I will have hard copies for everyone on Wednesday or Chapters 3 - 5. In the meantime, I am posting them for your use now.


In truth I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born through water and the Spirit… John 3:3

Some other passages in Scripture concerning the Sacrament of Baptism:

  1. Matthew 28:19-20: Jesus said, “Go therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And look, I am with you always; yes, to the end of the age.”
  2. Mark 16:16: Jesus said, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
  3. Acts 2:38: St. Peter told the Jews and Israelites who had come from all over the known world to Jerusalem for the Sinai Covenant Feast of Pentecost [Feast of Weeks] who cried out to him to tell them what they must do to be saved [Acts 2:37], “You must repent, Peter answered, and every one of you must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
  4. Titus 3:5-7: St. Paul writing to Bishop Titus: “…it was not because of any upright actions we had done ourselves; it was for no reason except his own faithful love that he saved us, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and renewal in the Holy Spirit which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus Christ our Savior; so that, justified by his grace, we should become heirs in hope of eternal life.”
  5. Romans 6:3-4:You cannot have forgotten that all of us, when we were baptized into Christ Jesus, were baptized into his death. So by our baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead y the Father’s glorious power, we too should begin living a new life.”
  6. Colossians 2:12-13:You have been buried with him by your baptism; by which, too, you have been raised up with him through your belief in the power of God who raised him from the dead. You were dead, because you were sinners and uncircumcised in body: he has brought you to life with him, he has forgiven us every one of our sins.”
  7. 1 Peter 3:18-22:Christ himself died once and for all for sins, the upright for the sake of the guilty, to lead us to God. In the body he was put to death, in the spirit he was raised to life, and, in the spirit, he went to preach to the spirits in prison. They refused to believe long ago, while God patiently waited to receive them, in Noah’s time when the ark was being built. In it only a few, that is eight souls, were saved through water. It is the baptism corresponding to this water which saves you now—not a washing off of physical dirt but the pledge of a good conscience given to God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has entered heaven and is at God’s right hand, with angels, ruling forces and powers subject to him.”
    [also see Galatians 6:15 and 2 Corinthians 5:17].

    In the beginning of our lives we are made as creatures, fashioned after God’s own image, made in His image, but we are still creatures none the less. Christ is the eternal Son who is begotten of the Father. He is the image of the Father while we are created in the image of the Father. In the New Creation, Christ gives to us, through His own life, re-birth into permanent sonship. In 1 John 1:3 John writes: "You must see what great love the Father has lavished on us by letting us be called God’s children—which is what we are!” We are not longer just called Children of God by virtue of being part of His creation. We ARE children of God by virtue of the blood of Christ which unites us in our re-birth, anothen- from above, to God as His children. This is the most distinctive feature of Christianity and the most distinctive feature of Catholicism. It is what Pope Pius XI expressed when he said: “Ours is a religion of Divine Sonship. We are made partakers of the divine nature.” See CCC# 1994-5

    St Peter writes in 2 Peter 3-4By his divine power, he has lavished on us all the things we need for life and for true devotion, through the knowledge of him who has called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these, the greatest and priceless promises have been lavished on us, that through them you should share the divine nature and escape the corruption rife in the world through disordered passion.

    God’s grace “is a participation in the life of God” [CCC# 1997] through which we receive the gift of divine son-ship and by His grace we are justified. Catholic Christians define justification as that which has been merited for us by Christ’s passion on the cross. Like conversion, justification has two aspects: Moved by grace we turn away from sin and to God and in doing so we accept forgiveness and righteousness in our transformed souls which as been infused by the Holy Spirit with the very life of Christ. Justification includes the remission of our sins, sanctification, and the renewal of the inner man, which is for us an on-going process in our life long journey toward salvation. CCC#1996 “Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life.” [see John 1:12-18; 17:3; Romans 8:14-17; 2Peter 1:3-4].

    CCC #1992: “Justification has been merited for us by the Passion of Christ who offered himself on the cross as a living victim, holy and pleasing to God, and whose blood has become the instrument of atonement for the sins of all men. Justification is conferred in Baptism, the Sacrament of faith. It conforms us to the righteousness of God, who makes us inwardly just by the power of his mercy. Its purpose is the glory of God and of Christ, and the gift of eternal life….” [See Romans 3:21-26]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 statements John the Baptist gives concerning Jesus’ true nature and mission:

  1. Verse 31 He comes from heaven = He is divine
  2. Verse 32 His testimony will be rejected
  3. Verse 34 He speaks God’s own words
  4. Verse 34 He is filled with God’s Spirit without limit
  5. Verse 35 He is God’s Son
  6. Verse 36 Whoever believes in His has eternal life
  7. Verse 36 Anyone who does not believe in Christ has no life

M. Hunt copyright 2001 of Agape Bible Study


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Comprehensive Catholic Online Study of John

I came across this online study of John (above title is an active link to it). It is a good resource for anyone wanting to delve into the Gospel of John and includes online in-text links to the Gospel verses, as well as includes references to Early Church Fathers and cites Ignatius Study Guide, Navarre Bible, and Catechism of the Catholic Church references.
Background & Dating of the Gospel of John
Chapter 1: Prologue: Deity and Pre-incarnation of Christ
Chapter 1, cont'd: Prologue: Presentation by John the Baptist
Chapter 2: Wedding at Cana, Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Chapter 3: Presentation of the Son of God in Judea
Chapter 4: Presentation in Samaria and in Galilee

In Christ's peace and joy,



Friday, September 21, 2007

Jeff's talks on John: 10-talk series and LRSS Intro

For those who are interested or have the time and would like to listen to Jeff's 10 talk series on the Gospel of John, I have placed the talks in the player below. mp3 links for those who would like to download them to cds or mp3 players. They should also be available at the church as cds.
The Wedding at Cana and discourse with Nicodemus (through John 3:30) are discussed in talk 2B - the 4th mp3 file. Talk 3A begins with The One from Heaven, John 3:31.

1A ... 1B ... 2A ... 2B ... 3A ... 3B ... 4A ... 4B ... 5A ... 5B

Little Rock: Intro to John PowerPoint 1 ... PowerPoint 2

Click on the triangular "Play" button on the player to listen now.


ATTN: Prayer Warriors
Roberta's Update on Larry

Dear Little Rock Prayer Warriors,

Here is an update I received from Roberta who could not make it to our last class. May our Lady enfold both of them in the comfort of her mantle and prayers!

In Christ' s peace and joy,


Dear All in the Little Rock Study Group...

I have just read Robin's letter and cannot thank you enough for your prayers. My husband, Larry, was admitted to Methodist Hospital last night at about !:00 AM...well all right it was really this AM. Hopefully he will be able to receive the TIPS procedure that will lessen his symptoms a great deal and make him more comfortable.

I have been trying to keep up with the readings and am enjoying it immensely. If everything goes well, I hope to be there next Wednesday.

Roberta Riedle Martin


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Little Rock Class on John Tonight!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone this evening--re-establishing friendships and forging new ones. It was so wonderful to see so many new faces last Wednesday. Welcome, everyone!

I've been praying for each of us, particularly Roberta and her husband, Larry, and studying in preparation for class. I came across a few articles that present some ideas I have found helpful in Scripture study better than I can (links below). ;^)

Dr. Scott Hahn quotes our Holy Father in A New Scriptural Springtime .

Dr. Edward P. Sri discusses Mary at Cana and in the Gospel of John in Knowing Mary Through the Bible: New Wine, New Eve .

Catholic Apologist Steve Ray offers some information on John's Gospel in St. John's Gospel: the Theological and Spiritual Gospel .

Also, the St. Martha Adult Faith Formation website:

I am looking forward to our discussions tonight and pray that each of you will have a blessed day and travel to Bible Study safely this evening. Posted below is our Gospel of John Calendar.

In Christ's peace and joy,

Wednesdays, Sept. 12, 2007 - March 12, 2008
7:00 - 8:30 pm, Room 2

2007: September 12, 19, 26
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Nov. 7 (if needed)

2008: January 16, 23, 30
February 13, 20, 27
March 5, 12 (if needed)


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Little Rock Study on John at My Parish

Stepping out into the deep here. I will be facilitating the Little Rock study of John for the next ten or so weeks. Please pray with me that I'll be able to let the Holy Spirit guide and use me to share our faith with everyone in the class. Though there are lots of the faithful regulars, we had six or seven new people sign up last night.

I pray that they will see and hear only what our Lord wants them too, and that I will not say or do anything that might lead them away from the Truth.

Well, I'm praying a daily Rosary for my family and for the class. St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for me.