Sunday, October 21, 2007

John Chapter 9: Agape Bible Study Link and Handout


The Healing of the Man Born Blind

Click on the Read More Link for the Chapter 9 Handout.


Typology of Moses and Jesus



An evil king/Pharaoh tried to kill him as a baby: Exodus 1:22

King Herod tried to kill baby Jesus: Matthew 2:16

He was hidden from the evil king/Pharaoh: Exodus 2:2

An angel said to hide the child from the evil King Herod: Matthew 2:13

Moses was sent into Egypt to preserve his life: Exodus 2:3-4

Jesus was taken into Egypt to preserve His life: Matthew 2:13-15

He was saved by women: his mother: Exodus 2:3; Miriam 2:4; Pharaoh's daughter 2:5-10

Saved and helped by His mother, Mary: Matthew 2:14

Pharaoh's daughter adopted Moses: Exodus 2:10

Joseph adopted Jesus: Matthew 1:25

Moses became a prince of Egypt: Exodus 2:10

Jesus is the Prince of Peace: Isaiah 9:5; Matthew 28:18; Luke 2:14

Long period of silence from childhood to adulthood

Long period of silence from childhood to adulthood

Moses had a secret identity

Messianic secret = Jesus the Son of God

He tried to save a Hebrew kinsman: Exodus 2:11-12

Jesus came to save His Hebrew kinsman first: Mark 7:26-28

Went from being a prince to a pauper: Exodus 2:15-19

Went from being God to being man: John 1:1-3; Mark 6:3

Saved women at a well: Exodus 2:15-19

Saved a woman at a well: John chapter 4

Became a shepherd: Exodus 3:1

He is the Good Shepherd: John 10:11

Moses' mission was to redeem Israel from slavery to Egypt

Jesus' mission is to redeem mankind from slavery to sin

Moses was loved and supported in his ministry by his sister Miriam [in Hebrew, Miryam]

Jesus was loved and supported in his ministry by His mother Mary [in Hebrew, Miryam]

He was often rejected by his own people

Jesus was often rejected by His own people

Moses will give God's law on the mountain of Sinai: Exodus 20:1-31:18; 34:1-35

Jesus will give the new law from the Mt. of Beatitudes: Matthew chapter 5

Moses spent 40 days fasting on the mountain: 24:18;34:28

Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert wilderness: Matthew 4:2

Moses performs signs/ miracles

Jesus performs signs/miracles

Moses offered his life for the salvation of his people after the sin of the Golden Calf: Exodus 32:33-33

Jesus offered His life for the salvation of the world: Isaiah 53:12; Romans 5:12; 6:10; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21; Colossians 1:19-20; 2:14-15; 1 John 1:7; 2:2; etc.

Moses is the prophet of the Old Covenant Church

Jesus is the prophet, priest, and King of a New and everlasting Covenant = the universal Catholic Church [note catholic means universal]

Michal Hunt, copyright 2003, revised 2005

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