Saturday, June 02, 2007

Duc in Altum! Still! Always!

Even should no one ever read this, I am actually going to begin my blog. A chance encounter with it while reading Michael Barber's blog, Singing in the Reign, has led me to this. I shall have to see if this is just a late night passing thought, or something I am being led to do.

I really was struck by, I believe it was St. John Chrystostom, quoted on Mr. Barber's blog, who saw the blood on the lintel as a foreshadowing of the Blood of Christ on our lips. I am sure that I am just slow on the uptake, but it is so awesome how deep, yet united our God, our Faith is.

In Christ's peace and joy,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have read your blog because now we have something in common. Duc In Altum. Many blessings to you and your family.

A friend from Mexico
